Sunday 1 November 2015

OOTD: Meal with friends


Whenever I go out for a meal with some friends, I like to make an effort with my appearance as I enjoy getting all dressed up. But also its because my friends are ridiculously good looking so I have to keep up! I decided to be simple with my outfit and you can never go wrong with all black.


I chose to wear a black long sleeved playsuit from Ark. The material of the playsuit is velvet so it was comfy to wear, plus it kept me warm throughout the whole night. Moreover I had my black leather jacket with me, which is from Topshop. The weather is getting much colder so having a leather jacket will ensure I don't die of hypothermia! 

I'm the type of girl that gets really bad foot ache from wearing heels after an hour so to make sure my night went smoothly and I could actually walk around, I decided to go for shoes that had a 2 inch heel. This give me a slight height advantage since I'm only 5ft. The shoes are from New Look. I don't really wear jewellery as I find it gets in the way of things but like I said before, I like to keep things simple! Hope you guys enjoyed this short post!
                                        Thanks for reading, ItsNatarika x

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