Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Dating; Fantasy vs Reality

As many people are in relationships these days, the expectations and “relationship goals” are becoming more and more unrealistic. Whenever I am going through social media, I always see someone posting about their perfect relationship and I constantly think to myself, it’s never going to happen. It may sound depressing but that is the harsh truth. Real life is not a fairy-tale and a Prince Charming isn’t going to save you on his white horse. I mean it may happen to someone, they will get there happy ending but there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Relationships are hard work and stressful and people need to realise this before they get their hopes up. Nevertheless relationships can be rewarding and I completely understand that having someone there is comforting and assuring but people are setting up these ridiculous ‘relationship goals’ that is so silly that it is intoxicating the minds of society. For example recently I saw on Twitter, someone tweeted their relationship goal and it said something about being woken up at 3am to go on an adventure with their partner. To some people, they might find it romantic but to me, this is just stupid because firstly I would not like to be woken up at 3 am and if you do wake me up, I would not be happy. And secondly that “adventure” would probably be going for a drive to the closest drive-thru and eating junk food in the car. I mean that might sound perfect to some people but to me, it would be pointless. All these “relationship goals” are setting up boundaries that real life people cannot reach and this will mean you become disappointed. When you’re dropping little hints expecting your partner to surprise you with a present yet that’s not going to happen unless you tell them; they are not mind readers. Overall I am not saying that relationships are bad and that you won’t be happy however it just means that you would have to work hard for it as relationship are difficult but can be pleasing. Likewise I am not saying that you shouldn’t want a relationship and want it to be amazing but you shouldn't get your hopes up, there’s more to life than love, set yourself life goals that are realistic and work hard for them which will mean that you will get somewhere in life and succeed in whatever you want. But seriously stop making impossible goals and actually work on making the relationship work and last.

Thanks for reading, ItsNatarika x

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